Flair 1989
Football Anthems
Various Artists
Fraser Bruce & The Clyde Football Team (1973)

Scots Wha Hae Nae
Various Artists
Released 1967

Always Argyll
Valerie Dunbar
Fraser has a duet on here.
Also Fraser & Ian are backing vocalists on the title track.

We know what you're thinking!
Could this be the one off? The only copy
of Fraser and Ian Bruce singing "Little Boxes" in a booth in Bournemouth Coach Station?
Well no. But it does look very very like it.
This particular disc really is Fraser's brothers, Ross and Ian, singing "The Green Green Grass of Home".
Yes! Recorded in the same Bournemouth booth and......
Yes. It still still sort of plays. It is awful! "Ross! The Goons impersonation just before the sudden cut off was totally unnecessary. Ruined the whole thing. Classy otherwise!"